Windows firewall doesnot allow to connect from vpn


I connect to my home asus router through openvpn. I can use internet over vpn but do not see any windows computer in local network.

For example, I can ping android, linux devices or ip camera in my local network but cannot ping windows computers. ( I can do this from local network) (My local computers have Windows 7 or Windows 10)

I assume that the problem in windows firewall, but i do not know what to do with this.

Addresses in local network have form 192.168.1.x

For openvpn client the router creates virtual network 10.8.0.x


Your windows machines will see 192.168.1.x as the "Home network" (AKA the private profile) which they trust. The 10.8.0.x range is being routed from the router, and as far as your windows machines are concerned is external (Public) and not completely trustworthy.

You can create a new inbound rule in windows advanced firewall. To do this do the following:

  • Open Windows firewall with advanced security
  • Click inbound rules on the left
  • Click New rule on the right
  • Click Custom rule
  • Specify programs or leave as all programs
  • Specify ports or leave as all ports
  • Click "These ip addresses" under remote IP
  • Click "This ip address range"
  • Type From "" To ""
  • Close and click Next, then leave as "Allow the connetion"
  • Apply to all profiles
  • Name it & Finish

You should then be able to connect to your home devices through your vpn

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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