Selecting rows but disregarding repetition of cell values

Joshua Galang

I have a table of customers that has repetition of first names and last names. I don't know what type of select query should I use to display specific row regarding their same entries.

Example: Table: customers

0000000001 |Peter    |Griffin
0000000002 |Peter    |Pan
0000000003 |Mary     |Magdalene
0000000003 |Mary     |Jane

And the output I want is like is:

0000000001 |Peter    |Griffin
0000000003 |Mary     |Magdalene

I know this is easy but I'm new to SQL.

Erwin Brandstetter

One way to do this is with DISTINCT ON:

       customer_id, firstname, lastname 
FROM   customers
ORDER  BY firstname, customer_id;


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