How can I set an environment variable as gulp task?

chacham15 :

I don't want type the extra arguments NODE_ENV='production' gulp every time I run gulp to set an environment variable.

I would rather set the environment variable from within gulp via a task.

What would be a good way to achieve this?

Elise Chant :
gulp.task('set-dev-node-env', function() {
    return process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';

gulp.task('set-prod-node-env', function() {
    return process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';

Use it like:

gulp.task('build_for_prod', ['set-prod-node-env'], function() {
    // maybe here manipulate config object  
    config.paths.src.scripts = config.paths.deploy.scripts;

Collected from the Internet

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