How do I correctly upgrade angular 2 (npm) to the latest version?

dragonmnl :

Recently I started Angular 2 tutorial at

and left off with Angular 2 beta 8. Now I resumed the tutorial and latest beta is beta 14.

If I simply do npm update a few modules (preloaded with the tutorial) are updated but not Angular2 (I can see that with npm ls).

If I do npm update angular 2 or npm update [email protected] it just does nothing either.

Cosmin Ababei :

The command npm update -D && npm update -S will update all packages inside package.json to their latest version, according to their defined version range. You can read more about it here.

If you want to update Angular from a version prior to 2.0.0-rc.1, then you'll need to manually edit package.json, as Angular was split into several npm modules. Without this, as angular2 package points to 2.0.0-beta.21, you'll never get to use the latest version of Angular.
A list with some of the most common modules that you'll need to get started can be found in the quickstart repository.


  • A cool way to stay up to date with your packages' latest version is to use npm outdated which shows you all outdated packages together with their wanted and latest version.

  • The reason why we need to chain two commands, npm update -D and npm update -S is to overcome this bug until it's fixed.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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