How to fix docker: Got permission denied issue

Carlos Andres :

I installed Docker in my machine where I have Ubuntu OS. After than I installed docker, when I run

sudo docker run hello-world

All it's ok, but I want to hide the word sudo to make more short the command.

If I write the command without the word sudo

docker run hello-world

That display the following:

docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.35/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.See 'docker run --help'.

It's happened the same when I try to make

docker-compose up

How can I resolve this?

mkb :

If you want to run docker as non-root user then you need to add it to the docker group.

  1. Create the docker group if it does not exist
$ sudo groupadd docker
  1. Add your user to the docker group.
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  1. Run the following command or Logout and login again and run (that doesn't work you may need to reboot your machine first)
$ newgrp docker

  1. Check if docker can be run without root
$ docker run hello-world

Reboot if still got error

$ reboot

Taken from the docker official documentation: manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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