Declare type of a object key

Eduardo Sousa

I have a XInterface like so:

export interface XInterface {
    foo: (() => Foo[]) | Foo[],
    bar: string,
    baz: number

Then, using the interface to declare an object I would like to the type of foo to be Foo[], like

const myObj: XInterface = {
    [myFoo1, myFoo2],

but as I am already using the : to declare my array of Foo, I don't know how to ensure that foo is an array, not a function that returns an array.

How can I achieve that?

Matheus Ramalho

This is a pattern I would follow. In the future you will pass this object to somewhere XInterface is expected, which does not know if foo is a function or an array. With that in mind, you will always have to check the content of foo. A better approach is to simply convert foo to a function.

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