Day upper Bound and Lower Bound for MongoDB Spring

Avi Patel :

I have a Database and i am saving logs as well for the each update performed by users on Database. I want to check if user is updating Data within 24 hours then update the Log, else if it's more than a day since data is updated then instead of updating the log for the day insert new log. for that i need to set upper bound and lower bound for the time on which data is inserted.

I have write down a function that will check if data is updated since 24 hours or not, but i dont know what to put as upper bound and lower bound for a day.

// returns 24 hours records, by Id and Crop...
    private FarmerCropDataLog findLogByIdAndCrop(Farmer farmer, Crop cropData) {

        String farmerId = farmer.getId();

        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        Query query = new Query();
        List<FarmerCropDataLog> logData = farmerCropDataLogDao.runQuery(query, FarmerCropDataLog.class);
        if (logData != null) {
            return logData.get(0);
        } else {
            return null;

Edit ->

Upper Bound should be 24*60*60*1000 and lowerBound should be 0?

Pietro Martinelli :

Based on the info in the comments, I think you can valorize bounds values as follows:

long millisPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
long upperBound = System.currentTimeMillis();
long lowerBound = upperBound - millisPerDay;

CAUTION: you should check whether you timestamp field uses Unix Timestamps (in seconds) or millis since 01/01/1970: in the first scenario, your values should be divided by 1000.

I hope this can help you tu setup your query properly...

Collected from the Internet

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