Is it possible to clone a polymorphic object without manually adding overridden clone method into each derived class in C++?

Calmarius :

The typical pattern when you want to copy a polymorphic class is adding a virtual clone method and implement it in each derived class like this:

Base* Derived::clone()
    return new Derived(*this);

Then in a calling code you can:

Base *x = new Derived();
Base *y = x->clone();

However if you have 50+ derived classes and realize you need polymorphic copy, it's tedious to copy-paste the cloning method into each of them. And it's essentially a boilerplate that works around a language limitation that you have to spell out the actual name to call the constructor.

I haven't keep track with the new features in recent C++ standards... Is there a way to avoid this in modern C++?

n. 'pronouns' m. :

You can use this generic CRTP code

template <class Derived, class Base>
struct Clonable : Base {
    virtual Base* do_clone() {
        return new Derived(*static_cast<Derived*>(this));
    Derived* clone() { // not virtual
        return static_cast<Derived*>(do_clone());

    using Base::Base;

struct empty {};
struct A : Clonable<A, empty> {};
struct B : Clonable<B, A> {};

It can be generalised to smart pointers and multiple bases if desired.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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