Go Connecting to S3

Jorge Olivero :

Working on learning Go, and I am writing a component to manage pictures.

I've been looking at the s3 library here: https://godoc.org/launchpad.net/goamz/s3#ACL

In Node, I use the Knox client and connect to my bucket like this:

    var bucket = knox.createClient({
        key: config.get('AWS_KEY'),
        secret: config.get('AWS_SECRET'),
        bucket: "bucketName"

In the Go s3 library I see all of the functions I need to work with the s3 bucket, but I can't find the connect function - similar to this one above.

So far, I've found this in the Docs:

    type Auth struct {
        AccessKey, SecretKey string

And it seems like I need to call this function:

    func EnvAuth() (auth Auth, err error)

This is the EnvAuth function:

    func EnvAuth() (auth Auth, err error) {
        auth.AccessKey = os.Getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
        auth.SecretKey = os.Getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")
        // We fallback to EC2_ env variables if the AWS_ variants are not used.
        if auth.AccessKey == "" && auth.SecretKey == "" {
            auth.AccessKey = os.Getenv("EC2_ACCESS_KEY")
            auth.SecretKey = os.Getenv("EC2_SECRET_KEY")
        if auth.AccessKey == "" {
            err = errors.New("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID not found in environment")
        if auth.SecretKey == "" {
            err = errors.New("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY not found in environment")

In the S3 docs, I see all of the things that I need. I am just unsure about how I use the library, this is the first time I use a Go library.

A guide on connecting to AWS/S3, then making a delete call would be very helpful!

Many thanks :)

topskip :

It's probably easier than you've thought. This sample code lists a bucket. You have to use your credentials and a bucket name, of course...

package main

import (

func main() {
    auth := aws.Auth{
        AccessKey: "ASDFASDFASDFASDK",
    euwest := aws.EUWest

    connection := s3.New(auth, euwest)
    mybucket := connection.Bucket("mytotallysecretbucket")
    res, err := mybucket.List("", "", "", 1000)
    if err != nil {
    for _, v := range res.Contents {

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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