Return keys of dictionary if values match with a given list


I want to return all the keys of a given dictionary, if the values inside the dictionary match to the elements of a list. Suppose I have the following dictionary:

my_dict = {'flower1': ['blue'], 
           'flower2': ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
           'flower3': ['yellow'],
           'flower4': ['blue', 'black', 'cyan']}

Now I want to match the values in the dictionary with the following elements in a list:

my_lst = ['black',

My goal is the get a dictionary like follows:

result_dict = {'black': ['flower4'], 
               'red': ['flower2'],
               'blue': ['flower1', 'flower2', 'flower4'],
               'yellow': ['flower3']
               'green': ['flower2'], 
               'purple': [],
               'brown': [],
               'cyan': []}

For now I have tried a simple list comprehension, which works fine, but returns just a simple and unordered list like:

In[14]: [key for key, value in my_dict.items() for i in range(0, len(my_lst)) if my_lst[i] in value]


What is the best way to perform such an operation? I can't get my head around it, any help would be appreciated.


Don't over-complicate it. Do it in two completely separate steps:

  1. Convert my_lst into a suitable result dictionary.
  2. Iterate through the flower/color data, and add them to the result dictionary.

For example:

# create result dict, adding each color as a key
# make the value of each key an empty list initially
result = {k: [] for k in my_lst}

# iterate through the items of the flower/color dict
for flower, colors in my_dict.items():

    # append the flower corresponding to each color
    # to the appropriate list in the result dict
    for color in colors:



{'black': ['flower4'], 'red': ['flower2'], 'blue': ['flower1', 'flower2', 'flower4'], 'yellow': ['flower3'], 'green': ['flower2'], 'purple': [], 'brown': [], 'cyan': ['flower4']}

This of course, assumes that each color in my_dict occurs in my_lst.

Collected from the Internet

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