How do I update an array of strings within an array of objects using ObjectId in mongodb?


I am having trouble to understand how to update tags array within an object of arrays in mongoDB.

I have an array of objects and its corresponding ObjectID of which tags I would like to update on mongoDB. What I tried is to use a loop using updateOne specifying the ObjectID as a query to find the respective Document.

Something like this:

nodes.forEach(node => {
   const query = { '_id' : ObjectId(node.Id) }

      { $set: { 'tags': value } },
      function(err, result) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;

This did not work unfortunately. I have tried other approaches but I could not find anything that works

I have the following mongodb data structure:

"_id": {
  "$oid": "6022bc9f9b55276bd39f4e0"
"name": "TestProject",
"projectData": {
  "nodes": [
      "data": {
        "_id": {
          "$oid": "6022bc959b559276bd39f4be"
        "nodeData": {
          "tags": []
      "data": {
        "_id": {
          "$oid": "7022bc959b559276bd39f4ce"
        "nodeData": {
          "tags": []
      "data": {
        "_id": {
          "$oid": "8022bc959b559276bd39f4de"
        "nodeData": {
          "tags": []

I would like to update only specific tags of objects which match the ones that I pass in as an ObjectID. What would be the best approach to update a bunch of object values matching a specific ObjectID?


You can use, the filtered positional operator $[<identifier>] identifies the array elements that match the arrayFilters conditions for an update operation.

  • If you are updating same tags in each node id than try $in condition other wise you can use bulkWrite() operation.
let value = ["tag1", "tag2"];
let nodes = [

  { $set: { "projectData.nodes.$[d].data.nodeData.tags": value } },
    arrayFilters: [
      { "": { $in: nodes } }


Collected from the Internet

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