How do I cast an array of doubles into an array of integers in Java?

Dan H. :

This is my homework question: "Create a method called roundAllUp(), which takes in an array of doubles and returns a new array of integers. This returned array contains all the numbers from the array of doubles, but rounded up."

Here is the method I have so far:

public static int[] roundUp(double[] array2){
    for(int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++){

Once the values are rounded up from the array of doubles, how can I return them in an array of integers?

Elliott Frisch :

You're close, you need to create a new array of int(s) and assign the result of your Math.ceil calls (with an appropriate cast). Like,

public static int[] roundUp(double[] array2) {
    int[] arr = new int[array2.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) {
        arr[i] = (int) Math.ceil(array2[i]);
    return arr;

If you're using Java 8+, you could also use a DoubleStream and map each element to an int before converting to an array in one line. Like,

public static int[] roundUp2(double[] array2) {
    return DoubleStream.of(array2).mapToInt(d -> (int) Math.ceil(d)).toArray();

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