How do I keep the html tags when parsing xml?

user_78361084 :

I have the following xml I am trying to parse. My playground can be found here

package main

import "fmt"
import "encoding/xml"

type ResultSlice struct {
    MyText []Result `xml:"results>result"`
type Result struct {
    MyResult string `xml:"text"`

func main() {
    s := `<myroot>
              <result><text><strong>This has style</strong>Then some not-style</text></result>
              <result><text>No style here</text></result>
              <result><text>Again, no style</text></result>
    r := &ResultSlice{}
    if err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(s), r); err == nil {
    } else {


This will only print out the plain text and anything within html tags gets ignored. <strong>This has style</strong> gets ignored. How do I include that as well?


Ainar-G :

Use innerxml tag:

type ResultSlice struct {
    MyText []Result `xml:"results>result"`

type Result struct {
    Text struct {
        HTML string `xml:",innerxml"`
    } `xml:"text"`


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