How to set the Mapbox symbol layer textfield with GeoJSON property value?

SoftwareStudent123 :

I want to create a symbol layer with the textfield set to a property from my GeoJSON file. For instance, in my GeoJSON file each Feature has a property called "rlabel" and I would like to set the value of this label as the symbol layers textfield. How do I do this?

String geojsonString = loadJsonFromDownloadedFile(...);
source = new GeoJsonSource("source-id", geojsonString);

SymbolLayer symbolLayer = new SymbolLayer("symbol-layer-id", "source-id");
    PropertyFactory.textField(  ???   ) // what goes here?


Tk30 :

Try the following code:


Specifically the get() method is This class has a lot of matchers.

Collected from the Internet

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