Add a unique identifier to the same column value in R data frame


I have a data frame as follows:

     index val  sample_id
1     1    14      5
2     2    22      6
3     3    1       6
4     4    25      7
5     5    3       7
6     6    34      7

For each row with the sample_id, I would like to add a unique identifier as follows:

index val  sample_id
1     1    14      5
2     2    22      6-A
3     3    1       6-B
4     4    25      7-A
5     5    3       7-B
6     6    34      7-C

Any suggestion? Thank you for your help.


Using dplyr:


dplyr::group_by(df, sample_id) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(sample_id = paste(sample_id, LETTERS[seq_along(sample_id)], sep = "-"))

 index   val sample_id
  <int> <dbl> <chr>    
1     1    14 5-A      
2     2    22 6-A      
3     3     1 6-B      
4     4    25 7-A      
5     5     3 7-B      
6     6    34 7-C 

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