How can can I run tests using qtbot on macos Sonoma?

Georgy Ivanov

After upgrade to MacOS Sonoma, even simple tests like

def test_repro(qtbot):

hang indefinitely.

The related github issue has been closed, without any suggested workarounds.

Can someone perhaps come up with any workarounds here?

Georgy Ivanov

While there's an ongoing discussion on the github issue, and the new App Activation API is pointed out as a suspected culprit, what worked for me was to replace

def _process_events():
    """Calls app.processEvents() while taking care of capturing exceptions
    or not based on the given item's configuration.
    app = qt_api.QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
    if app is not None:


def _process_events():
    """Calls app.processEvents() while taking care of capturing exceptions
    or not based on the given item's configuration.
    app = qt_api.QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
    if app is not None:
        # app.processEvents()

in pytestqt/

In my case, I was able to edit it from PyCharm, it was under "External libraries -> Python 3.11 -> site-packages -> pytestqt ->".

Not sure if it broke some other important functionality in qtbot, but at least my tests began to pass, and unblocked me in the short run.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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