How do I transfer brave bookmarks, settings and passwords from one windows computer to another

Rohit Gupta

I have just bought a new laptop. Both laptops run Windows 10.

How can I transfer bookmarks, settings and save passwords for brave to the new laptop.


One way is to set up sync between both devices:

  1. On old laptop, click hamburger menu icon Hamburger menu in top right, then choose Sync.
  2. Click on Start a new sync chain -> choose Computer -> copy the code and save it so that it's transferrable. Sync setup
  3. On new laptop, once again go to Sync menu. Choose I have a Sync Code this time. Copy the code and confirm.
  4. Wait until it finishes and choose what you want to sync. After everything gets copied, you can remove the sync with old laptop if needed.

Collected from the Internet

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