.Net core 3.1 custom authentication

Fakhar Ahmad Rasul

I writing a .Net core API and my API itself does not have any authentication or authorization logic. The authentication and authorization are handled by a separate system so in order to secure my endpoints I need to forward each incoming request to the external system and decide if the user is authenticated depending upon the value being returned from the external system.

I want to know whats the best approach to implement something like this, as I think it can be done with a CustomAuthorize attribute or middleware or by adding a CustomAuthPolicy. There are many bits and pieces in Auth with .Net core, I would really appreciate if someone can guide me in the right direction.


Here is my solution that I am currently using:

This solution works great, and if you have the following in a referenced project, it can easily be reused.

Create a Custom Attribute:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class MyAuthAttr : ActionFilterAttribute
    //Add Auth logic here using HttpClient or whatever you use to authenticate.
    //You can access your headers through actionContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers

    //When completed with your logic, you can continue your controller execution

This attribute can be applied to your controllers like this:

public class MySecureControllerController {...}

This can be applied to the Controller's class as global auth, or any of the endpoints within the controller as specific auth.

So this will work too:

public IActionResult DoThaThing(Foo foo) {...}

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