mongoose aggregate query to filter and sort data

asela daskon

In my front-end react.js application use to filter and sort data fetching from mongoDB database. I want to move this logic into back-end mongoose query. how can I achieve this? I tried to refactor the code as below but it's making some errors in my code editor.

"error": "MongoServerError: Invalid $addFields :: caused by :: Unrecognized expression '$con'"

Front-end filter and sort

 try {
  const { data } = await getMobilePosts(skip);
  const filterData = await data?.filter(obj => obj.adPromote == "free-ad" || obj.adPromote == "reach-up-ad")
          if (f.adPromote === 'reach-up-ad' && p.adPromote !== 'reach-up-ad') {
              return -1;
            } else if (f.adPromote !== 'reach-up-ad' && f.adPromote === 'reach-up-ad') {
              return 1;
          return 0;
      .map(obj => {
          return {
              title: `${obj.title} (${obj.features.condition})`
  setPost([, ...filterData]);
} catch (err) {

back-end query that tried so far.

                            $match: {
                              $and: [
                                  expiredAt: {$gte: currentDate}
                                  "status": "live"
                            "$addFields": {
                              "adpromoTypes": {
                                "$con": {
                                   "if": {
                                      "$and": {
                                        "adPromote": {
                                          "$eq": 'reach-up-ad'
                            $sort: {
                              "_id": -1,
                              "adpromoTypes": -1
                            "$skip": skip
                            "$limit": PER_REQUEST
                            $project: {
                              "title": 1,

I have mongoDB collection with below fields:

POST document

  • title (string)
  • adPromote (string ) ex. 'reach-up-ad' , 'free-ad' , 'urgent-ad'
  • expiredAt (date)
  • status (string)

I want to filter 'reach-up' ads on the top of the list and then after display 'free-ad'

- reach up ad
- reach up ad
- free ad


skip and limit ads should work like this. When loading ads at the first time I want to show only 5 ads (limit 5). In this 5 ads I want to show if available 'reach-up-ad'. Next I want to skip 5 ads that already loaded. In this set of ad if available again I want to show another 'reach-up-ad'. After that I want to load 'free-ad' continuously but 5 at a time.


thanks to your update i worked on a solution.

You can check it on mongoplayground.

Here is my code with comments in it:

    //match documents not expired
    //with "live" status
    //where adPromote in ['reach-up-ad', 'free-ad'] to remove 'urgent-ad'
    $match: {
      $and: [
          expiredAt: {
            $gte: ISODate("2023-08-04T12:02:50.000Z")
          "status": "live"
          adPromote: {
            $in: [
    $addFields: {
      // add a "prioritySort" field to allow custom sort according the value of "adPromote" field
      prioritySort: {
        $switch: {
          branches: [
              case: {
                $eq: [
              then: 3
              case: {
                $eq: [
              then: 2
              case: {
                $eq: [
              then: 1
          default: 0
      //add other custom field here
      //coolTitle: {$concat: ["$title"," is a cool title"]}
  // sort by prioritySort field added
  // sort then by _id to keep same order and have consistent result
    $sort: {
      prioritySort: -1,
      _id: 1
  // skip 1 value
    $skip: 1
  // take the 3 next
    $limit: 3
  //optional remove added fields with unset
    $unset: [
      // "coolTitle"

Make sure to change expiredDate, skip and limit values by your values. Change also db.collection by Posts to make it work.

I wasn't sure if you wanted to keep other type of ads so i made a filter to keep only 'reach-up-ad' and 'free-ad'. You can remove this part if it doesn't apply to your issue.

Hope that helps. Ask me any question if it doesn't !

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