How to add Middleware in Azure HttpTrigger Functions (in-process function app) (Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions) in .net


I found one sample on Stackoverflow (How to insert a middleware in Azure Durable Functions), but it also just talks about Isolated and Duarable Trigger functions. I want to add middlelayer in Azure HttpTrigger (Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions) Functions in .net

I am creating a project in .Net 6. This project will have HttpTrigger type of Azure functions.

When I created the default project from Visual Studio Azure function template, it has just created a simple function file and project without startup and Program.cs.

I can define other layers like data layer, business layer, etc. but the problem I am facing is:

How to add Middleware layer in Azure Functions (Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions) application?

One solution I feel might be we can add a program.cs file to the project which will have a main method? My doubt is can we add Program.cs file to this project, what could be the implications?

Or is their a way to use Startup.cs to configure middlewares?

Why this doubt of adding Program.cs file came to my mind is because, all the online examples I am seeing is for Isolated Azure Function. and their is no reference of HttpTrigger function, so is it correct to add a program.cs to HttpTrigger function project.

I have already added Startup.cs for dependency Injection.

enter image description here

enter image description here


The Azure Functions application must use the isolated process, in which case you use the HostBulder.AddMiddleware<T> method to add middleware when configuring the function worker:

var host = new HostBuilder()
    .ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults( builder =>

    } )
    .ConfigureServices( services =>
        ... add services to DI container here ...

Collected from the Internet

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