Spring Mongo Auditing not working @CreatedDate @CreatedBy

Vikram Singh Shekhawat :

I am using Spring Mongo Auditing and @CreatedDate @CreatedBy not working but @LastModifiedDate and @LastModifiedBy working fine.

I added @EnableMongoAuditing on a configuration class and also defined the AuditAware.

public class SecurityAuditorAware implements AuditorAware<String> {

 public Optional<String> getCurrentAuditor() {
  return Optional.ofNullable(SecurityUtils.getUserPrincipal()).map(AuthenticatedUser::getIssuer);

Auditing class is :

public class Template  {

 private UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();

 private Date createdOn;
 private Date modifiedOn;
 private String createdBy;
 private String modifiedBy;

When I save the document it put null in both createdOn and createdBy but the right values in both modifiedOn and modifiedBy

Thanks for the help

Cường Lư Quốc :

If your Entity does not inheritance Persistable interface, you should define a field which marked by @Version (org.springframework.data.annotation.Version).

public class Template {

 private UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();

 private Date createdOn;
 private Date modifiedOn;
 private String createdBy;
 private String modifiedBy;
 private Integer version;

In other side, if your entity inheritance Persistable interface, you should implement logical which to detect the entity never been persisted before.

For more information, you can check two class: PersistentEntityIsNewStrategy and PersistableIsNewStrategy

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