Get ActorRef to previously spawned EventSourcedBehavior

franDayz :

We are using event sourcing with Akka Persistence by extending EventSourcedBehavior. When we create the persistent actor we give it an unique name, by using an uuid (the same we use inside create to build the PersistenceId, for entity sharding):

UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
String name = MyBehavior.nameFor(uuid);

ActorRef<Command> actorRef =
    context.spawn(MyBehavior.create(uuid), name);

Later on, when we want to send further commands to the actor, we would like to get an ActorRef<Command> from the context, since the actorRef object reference returned by spawn won't be in scope anymore. Think about commands as a result of subsequents HTTP requests.

We can't use context.getChild(name) as it returns ActorRef<Void>.

We've also considered actor discovery with Receptionist, but the documentation says it doesn't scale to any number of actors:

On the other hand, ActorSelection is not supported in typed, as per the following link:

We are not sure about the right approach here. Any help would be much appreciated.

franDayz :

I finally found it on the documentation. In a typed system, the correct way to handle persistent actors is by using EntityRef with ClusterSharding, as in the example linked below:

Collected from the Internet

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