Convert a List of into a dictionary in Python 3.8


I'm using a package that downloads favicons from websites.

It has 4 components (Not key-value pairs) and its corresponding values for each element in the list.


My purpose is to convert each element in the list(containing the 4 components) same into a key:value pair as in a dictionary in this way:


My following attempt didnt yield the correct result.

Here is my attempt :

import favicon

user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.47 Safari/537.36'
headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent}
url = ''
icons = favicon.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=2)

my_dict = {}

for index,element in enumerate(icons):
    my_dict[index] = element


The result of

print(f"Before:{icons}) is

    [Icon(url='', width=200, height=200, format='png'), Icon(url='', width=144, height=144, format='png'), Icon(url='', width=144, height=144, format='png'), Icon(url='', width=114, height=114, format='png'), Icon(url='', width=72, height=72, format='png'), Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='ico'), Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='png'), Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='ico')]

And the result after enumerating through it and building a dictionary:

print(f"After:{my_dict}") is

After:{0: Icon(url='', width=200, height=200, format='png'), 1: Icon(url='', width=144, height=144, format='png'), 2: Icon(url='', width=144, height=144, format='png'), 3: Icon(url='', width=114, height=114, format='png'), 4: Icon(url='', width=72, height=72, format='png'), 5: Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='ico'), 6: Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='png'), 7: Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='ico')}

How it should look :

{Icon('url':'', 'width':200, 'height':200, 'format':'png')}

My objective is to convert the equality into a key-value pair.

Kindly assist !



import collections

Icon = collections.namedtuple('Icon', ['url', 'width', 'height', 'format'])

icons = [
    Icon(url='', width=200, height=200, format='png'),
    Icon(url='', width=144, height=144, format='png'),
    Icon(url='', width=144, height=144, format='png'),
    Icon(url='', width=114, height=114, format='png'),
    Icon(url='', width=72, height=72, format='png'),
    Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='ico'),
    Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='png'),
    Icon(url='', width=0, height=0, format='ico')

If you want to turn the list of collections.namedtuple() above into a dictionary with keys of indexes then you can do this:

icons_dicts = {i:v._asdict() for i,v in enumerate(icons)}

If you want to turn that list of collections.namedtuple() into a list of dictionaries you can do this.

icons_list = [v._asdict() for v in icons]

If neither of these outputs is what you seek please give an exact valid result example.

Collected from the Internet

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