How to zip two columns, explode them and finally pivot in Pyspark


I have two array columns (names, score). I need to explode both of them. Make names as column name for score(similar to pivot).

|      id    |     names               |      score         |
|ab01        |[F1 , F2, F3, F4, F5]    |[00123, 000.001, 00127, 00.0123, 111]
|ab02        |[F1 , F2, F3, F4, F5, F6]|[00124, 000.003, 00156, 00.067,  156, 254]
|ab03        |[F1 , F2, F3, F4, F5]    |[00234, 000.078, 00188, 00.0144, 188]
|ab04        |[F1 , F2, F3, F4, F5]    |[00345, 000.01112, 001567, 00.0186, 555]

Expected output:

 id       F1      F2        F3        F4    F5  F6
ab01    00123   000.001    00127    00.0123 111 null
ab02    00124   000.003    00156    00.067  156 254
ab03    00234   000.078    00188    00.0144 188 null
ab04    00345   000.01112  001567   00.0186 555 null

I tried zipping up names and score and then exploding them

combine = F.udf(lambda x, y: list(zip(x, y)),
                                     [StructField("names", StringType()),
                                      StructField("score", StringType())

df2 = df.withColumn("new", combine("score", "names"))
         .withColumn("new", F.explode("new"))

I'm getting an error:

TypeError: zip argument #1 must support iteration

I also tried exploding using rdd flatMap() and I still get the same error.

Is there an alternate way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.



df2 = df.set_index('id').apply(pd.Series.explode).reset_index()
df3 = df2.pivot(columns='names', values='score', index='id')


names   F1       F2         F3      F4      F5  F6
ab01    00123   000.001     00127   00.0123 111 NaN
ab02    00123   000.003     00156   00.067  156 254
ab03    00234   000.078     00188   00.0144 188 NaN
ab04    00345   000.01112   001567  00.0186 555 NaN


x = (df.apply(lambda x: dict(zip(x['names'], x['score'])), axis=1))
y = pd.DataFrame(x.values.tolist(), index=x.index).fillna("null").join(


x = (df.apply(lambda x: dict(zip(x['names'], x['score'])), axis=1))
z = pd.DataFrame(x.values.tolist(), index=x.index).fillna("null")
y = pd.concat([ , z], axis=1)


    F1      F2         F3       F4      F5  F6      id
0   00123   000.001    00127    00.0123 111 null    ab01
1   00123   000.003    00156    00.067  156 254     ab02
2   00234   000.078    00188    00.0144 188 null    ab03
3   00345   000.01112  001567   00.0186 555 null    ab04

Collected from the Internet

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