How do I replace subscrib in a subscribe in Angular RxJS?


I have a question about RxJS. I am creating a web app to manage the members of an association. I want to create a button to "reset" the database of a site. The steps are as follows:

  • send an e-mail to all members to re-register
  • Delete data
  • Refresh page

Here's the code I've made, which works, but I know there are a few things wrong. I'm new to RxJS, so I don't quite understand all the principles...

      // Envoyer un mail à l'ensemble des amicalistes valides
      next: amicalistes => {
        for(const amicaliste of amicalistes) {
          const to =;
          const cc = null;
          const subject = "Adhère à l'AEIR";
          const body = ""
          this.amicalisteService.sendMail(null, to, cc, subject, body).subscribe({
            next: response => {
              console.log('E-mail envoyé avec succès !', response);
            error: error => {
              console.error('Erreur lors de l\'envoi de l\'e-mail :', error);
      complete: () => {
        // Supprimer amicalistes, photos et cartes amicalistes
        this.amicalisteService.getAmicalistes().subscribe(amicalistes  => {
          for(const amicaliste of amicalistes){
        this.imageService.getImages("amicaliste").subscribe(images => {
          for(const image of images){
            this.imageService.deleteImageByName("amicaliste", this.imageService.getImageName(image.toString())).subscribe();
        this.imageService.getImages("pdf").subscribe(pdfs => {
          for(const pdf of pdfs){
            this.imageService.deleteImageByName("pdf", this.imageService.getImageName(pdf.toString())).subscribe();

I've heard it's not good practice to use subscribe() inside subscribe(), but I can't figure out how to do it differently. There are several things I'd like to keep in this code, however. In the complete, the 3 subscribe() run in parallel, if I'm not mistaken. I'd like to keep that. Otherwise, I understand that using a switchMap could help me, but I can't seem to implement it. Can anyone give me some advice?

Thanks you very much !


Observables are streams of events.

Remote calls (e.g. calling a server to send mails or calling a db to clean up some data) are implemented as streams of events that notify just one event (i.e. the response of the remote call) and then complete or just `error○s.

With RxJs operators you can combine such streams. For instance you do the following:

  • you start with one stream, Stream_A, that emits event_A and then completes
  • you can have a second stream, Stream_B, that emits event_B and then completes
  • and then you combine Stream_A and Stream_B to create a third stream, Stream_A_B that first triggers the execution of Stream_A and emits event_A and, as soon as event_A has been notified, triggers the execution of Stream_B and emits all the events notified by Stream_B, which in this case is just event_B
  • In order to create this combined stream in RxJs we use the oprator concatMap (note: often people use switchMap to concatenate streams - often the result is the same but the meaning and the potential behaviors are slightly different - with sequences of calls to remote services which have to occur one after the other, concatMap is usually the preferred approach)

Another example of combination of more streams to obtain a new stream is the following:

  • There are 2 streams, Stream_1 Stream_2 and Stream_3. Each of these streams emits one value and then completes.
  • We can combine these 3 streams that waits for all 3 streams to emit and complete and then emits only one value, which is the array of all values emitted by the streams, and then complete.
  • With RxJs such new combined stream is obtained with the function forkJoin

Havin said that, with the hope to cast some clarity on RxJs and Observables, here is what I would do in your case

    // assume getAmicalistesValides returns an Observable that emits the result
    // of a remote call
    // to combine Observables we need to "pipe" operators, i.e. to execute
    // operators one after the other
      // first thing to do here seems to send an email for each amicaliste
      // assuming we want to send the emails all in parallel, we can first
      // create one Observable for each mail to be sent and then use forkJoin
      // to execute them all in parallel
      // But all this has to happen after the Observable returned by getAmicalistesValides
      // has emitted its value, hence we use concatMap
      concatMap(amicalistes => {
        for(const amicaliste of amicalistes) {
          const to =;
          const cc = null;
          const subject = "Adhère à l'AEIR";
          const body = ""
          // here we create the array of Observables
          const sendMailObs = this.amicalisteService.sendMail(null, to, cc, subject, body)
          // each of these Observables can print something or react to errors
            next: response => {
              console.log('E-mail envoyé avec succès !', response);
            error: error => {
              console.error('Erreur lors de l\'envoi de l\'e-mail :', error);
          // now we trigger the concurrent execution of all sendMail observables
          return forkJoin(sendMailObs)
      // after having sent the mails you want to do more stuff: delete data, images
      // and so on - assume each of these operations is an Observable
      // you will have to use concatMap and within it create the new Observables
      // and trigger them in parallel using forkJoin, as above
      concatMap(mailSentResults => {
         const deleteDataObs = ....
         const deleteImagesObs = ...
         return forkJoin([deleteDataObs, deleteImagesObs, // maybe other Obsevables])
    // up to here you have created a new stream, composing various other streams
    // and now is the time to subscribe to this new stream, which is the only stream 
    // you want to explicitely subscribe
      next: res => ... // manage the value notified by upstream
      error: err => ... // manage error
      complete: () => ... // do something when all is completed, if required

I hope I have understood your case and all this makes some sense

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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