Go JSON parsing error

Moshe Shmukler :

I am writing my first program in Golang, or rather modifying a template, if you will. Want to parse values from a yaml file.

apiVersion: "backend.example.com/v1alpha1"
kind: "Example"
  name: "solar-demo"
  size: 2
  group: backend.example.com
    kind: Example
    listKind: ExampleList
    plural: solar-demos
    singular: solar-demo
  scope: Namespaced
  version: v1alpha1
    - name: api
      image: "shmukler/docker_solar-api"
      port: 3000
      command: '{"npm", "run", "start-api"}'
    - name: service
      image: "shmukler/docker_solar-svc"
      port: 3001
      command: '{"npm", "run", "start-solar-svc"}'

To parse-out variables, I do:

type Example struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`
    Spec              ExampleSpec   `json:"spec"`
    Status            ExampleStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
type ExampleSpec struct {
    Size int32 `json:"size"`
    //  Pods []ExamplePod `json:"pods"`
type ExampleStatus struct {
    Nodes []string `json:"nodes"`
type ExamplePod struct {
    Name    []string `json:"name"`
    Image   []string `json:"image"`
    Port    int32    `json:"port"`
    Command []string `json:"command"`

If I comment out the Pods []ExamplePod line, the code works albeit without parsing the Pods array. If I leave it in, there is an error, as soon as I pass the yaml document - Observed a panic: &errors.errorString{s:"failed to decode json data with gvk...

I want to stick pods into an array of structures of the type ExamplePod.

Today is my first day working with Go language. Sorry for a stupid question. My yaml, the relevant fragment in JSON representation.

         "command":"{\"npm\", \"run\", \"start-api\"}",
         "command":"{\"npm\", \"run\", \"start-solar-svc\"}",

I am able to get example.Spec.Size just fine. What I am missing is the pods array.

Moshe Shmukler :

Using the suggestions from both offered answers changed the YAML to:

- name: api
  image: "shmukler/docker_solar-api"
  port: 3000
  command: ["npm", "run", "start-api"]
- name: service
  image: "shmukler/docker_solar-svc"
  port: 3001
  command: ["npm", "run", "start-solar-svc"]

Then, updated definitions to:

type Spec struct {
    Size       int32               `json:"size"`
    Containers []Container `json:"containers"`
type Status struct {
    Nodes []string `json:"nodes"`
type Container struct {
    Name    string   `json:"name"`
    Image   string   `json:"image"`
    Port    int32    `json:"port"`
    Command []string `json:"command"`

That finally worked fine.

Thank you for the answers, helped me to understand how Golang type definitions work.

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