How to convert the array object data to string format data using golang?

Puneet :

There is an array object which is retrieved from mongodb. The data looks like below:-

  Apple is my favorite fruit.
  Red color is always charming.
  It is one of the most beautiful flowers in this world.

This is the code for retrieving the above data The struct is:

type Item struct {
  Id          int    `json:"id"`
  Category    string `json:"category"`
  Name        string `json:"name"`
  Description string `json:"description"`
type Items []Item

func GetData(Query interface{}) (result Items, err error) {
    mongoSession := ConnectDb()
    sessionCopy := mongoSession.Copy()
    defer sessionCopy.Close()
    getCollection := mongoSession.DB("custom").C("custom")
    err = getCollection.Find(Query).All(&result)
    if err != nil {
        return result, err
    return result, nil
 *  Retrieve the data used by main function
func retrieve(c *gin.Context) {
  //mongoSession := ConnectDb()
  conditions := bson.M{}
  data, err :=GetData(conditions)
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("There is somthing wrong")

func arrange(data Items) {
  pagesJson, err := json.Marshal(data)
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Cannot encode to JSON ", err)

Running json.Marshal, the output looks like below:

  "description":"Apple is my favorite fruit."
  "description":"Red color is always charming."
  "description":"It is one of the most beautiful flowers in this world."

Expected output

  "description":"Apple is my favorite fruit."
  "description":"Red color is always charming."
  "description":"It is one of the most beautiful flowers in this world."

The issue is the data is in the array object for my use I need the String structure data between {} as shown above. I posted this question before but not getting any success answer. I am trying it from a lot of time help me thankyou.

sf9v :

Based on what OP has discussed, marshaling the struct Items would give this:

  "description":"Apple is my favorite fruit."
  "description":"Red color is always charming."
  "description":"It is one of the most beautiful flowers in this world."

From this, OP wants to get a string that looks like this:

  "description":"Apple is my favorite fruit."
  "description":"Red color is always charming."
  "description":"It is one of the most beautiful flowers in this world."

There are two approaches that I considered:

  1. Looping through items and appending each marshaled items into a string (clearly not efficient)

    func getMyString(items Items) (string, error) {
        var buffer bytes.Buffer
        var err error
        var b []byte
        for _, item := range items {
            b, err = json.Marshal(item)
            if err != nil {
                return "", err
            buffer.WriteString(string(b) + ",")
        s := strings.TrimSpace(buffer.String())
        // trim last comma
        s = s[:len(s)-1]
        return s, nil
  2. Or just trimming off the leading and trailing square brackets:

    func getMyString2(items Items) (string, error) {
        b, err := json.Marshal(items)
        if err != nil {
            return "", err
        s := string(b)
        s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
        // trim leading and trailing spaces
        s = s[1 : len(s)-1]
        return s, nil

Link to code:

EDIT: Since OP want it to be space separated, I've modified approach number 1 to fit the requirements:

func getMyString(items Items) (string, error) {
    var buffer bytes.Buffer
    var err error
    var b []byte

    for _, item := range items {
        b, err = json.Marshal(item)
        if err != nil {
            return "", err
        // use space to separate each json string in the array
        buffer.WriteString(string(b) + " ")

    s := strings.TrimSpace(buffer.String())

    return s, nil

Link to new code:

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