How to use postgres subquery result to filter overall results


I have this simple query

       c1.title AS title,
    SELECT  b1.price
    FROM bids b1
    WHERE b1.product =
    ORDER BY b1.price DESC
    LIMIT 1
  ) AS highest_offer
  FROM products c1
ORDER BY highest_offer

and getting results like this

however If I want to add this query

WHERE highest_offer = '538.16' 

I gets error :

 error: column "highest_offer" does not exist

Please help me

I tried different things but nothing worked.

The simplest way would be to use your query as a tabular subquery in a from clause

select * from 
  /* your query here */ 
) as t
WHERE t.highest_offer = '538.16';

or in a CTE

with t as 
  /* your query here */ 
select * from t  
WHERE highest_offer = '538.16';

Collected from the Internet

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