Google Cloud Build Docker build-arg from file

Wang Yang :

I have a problem when I use Google Cloud Build. I can't pass the key into docker by cloudbuild.yaml

Google buildfile.yaml:

- name: ''
  - kms
  - decrypt
  - --ciphertext-file=A.enc
  - --plaintext-file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa
  - --location=global
  - --keyring=keyringxxx
  - --key=keyxxx
  - name: 'ssh'
    path: /root/.ssh
- name: ''
  args: [
    'build', '.',
    '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/xxx:latest',
    '--build-arg', 'READ_KEY=`cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa`'
  - name: 'ssh'


FROM golang:1.11 AS builder

RUN mkdir -p ~/.ssh &&  \
    echo "$READ_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa && \
    chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa && \
    ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts && \
    git config --global url.ssh://[email protected]/XXXX.insteadOf


The above code failed. cat does not work.

ryanhos :

The GCloud Docker Builder is using the Exec form of ENTRYPOINT. Your arguments from the cloudbuild.yaml are not being passed to a shell, thus your cat will not be executed.

Why not direct KMS to write the id_rsa directly to the /workspace and do away with the ssh volume altogether?

- name: ''
  - kms
  - decrypt
  - --ciphertext-file=A.enc
  - --plaintext-file=/workspace/id_rsa
  - --location=global
  - --keyring=keyringxxx
  - --key=keyxxx
- name: ''
  args: [
    'build', '.',
    '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/xxx:latest'

And the Dockerfile becomes:

FROM golang:1.11 AS builder

RUN mkdir -p ~/.ssh
COPY id_rsa ~/.ssh/
RUN ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts && \
    chmod -R 0600 ~/.ssh/ && \
    git config --global url.ssh://[email protected]:.insteadOf

Don't forget to mount that .gitconfig into the additional build steps. I just make it part of my CI build script, rather than requiring the extra volume.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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