fastest way to locate specific cell in pandas dataframe?

Felix Burkhardt

I wondered how to easy access the column index for a specific cell in pandas.

E.g. if i got this dataframe:

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({0:['01_CF56_1'],   1:['05_CF41_3'], 2:['06_CF44_2']})

i'd like to have a function that gives me

f('05_CF41_3') => 1

because this value is in the column index 1 (I don't care about the row)

of course the naive way would be to go through all rows and columns and match the cell contents, but i wonder if there is a more elegant solution


You could use the second element of indices to get the column indices and use it in where. Then find the first valid column index using argmax:

np.argmax(np.where(df == '05_CF41_3', np.indices(df.shape)[1], -1) >= 0)

returns 1.

If the searched for value may occur in multiple columns you could use something like that to get a list of all column numbers where this value occurs:

a = np.where(df == '05_CF41_3', np.indices(df.shape)[1], -1)

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