Windows make throws an error when I try to use "if EXIST"


I am using make version 4.2.1 on windows. I have a very simple make file:

        if EXIST C:\ echo hi

However, when I run the following command:

"..\env\build_tools\make\make.exe" -f "" -j16 some_target

I get the following error:

/usr/bin/sh: -c: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file
make: *** [ some_target] Error 2

When I run the same recipe line in a regular command prompt it executes perfectly fine and doesn't throw any errors. What is happening here? It's also weird because if I put the source code and makefile in an eclipse project and configure the build correctly, it runs perfectly fine.


This is not that mysterious; the answer is in the output you posted here:

/usr/bin/sh: -c: line 3: syntax error: unexpected end of file

This means that the command you told make to run was given to /usr/bin/sh, which is a POSIX shell. But the command you wanted to run:

    if EXIST C:\ echo hi

is a Windows cmd.exe shell command. That cannot work. Try starting a Git Bash shell for example and typing the above command into it: you'll get the same error. If you want your makefile to always use cmd.exe as its shell you have to add that to your makefile:

SHELL := cmd.exe

should do it I think (I don't really do Windows). The make program was created back in the 1970's on UNIX systems and so it's fundamentally a POSIX program and it prefers to run using POSIX tools; if you don't specify which shell to use then the Windows port will first look for a POSIX shell and if one is found it will use that; if it's not found it will fall back to cmd.exe.

Collected from the Internet

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