Puppeteer PDF Creation on Firebase Functions (Google Cloud) times out


I have a function on Firebase to create a PDF file which times out every time. To investigate the issue I added debug logs with numbers. The source code of the function that I run is:

const createPDF = async (html, outputPath) => {

    let pdf;

    try {

        const browser = await puppeteer.launch();

        const page = await browser.newPage();

        await page.emulateMediaType('screen');

        await page.setContent(html, {
            waitUntil: 'networkidle0'

        pdf = await page.pdf({
           // path: outputPath,
            format: 'A4',
            printBackground: true,
            margin: {
                top: "50px",
                bottom: "50px"

        await browser.close();

    } catch (e) {

    return pdf;

The log says:

10:58:12.490 AM 1
10:58:12.492 AM 2
10:58:16.469 AM 3
10:58:31.236 AM Function execution took 20003 ms, finished with status: 'timeout' 

The script works, when I deploy it locally. What did I do wrong?


I think launch should be used with argument { args: ['--no-sandbox'] }. I have found example with this approach here.

I created test combining provided code and helloworld cloud function, and indeed in always ended with timeout after 3. However when I used above argument it started to work fine. I tested it with 256MiB and 30 sec timeout.

Working code:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
exports.helloWorld = async (req, res) => {

  const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ['--no-sandbox'] });

  const page = await browser.newPage();
  let message = req.query.message || req.body.message || 'Hello World!';

Collected from the Internet

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