SwiftUI Expanding TextEditor

Rehmat Singh Gill

I am a Flutter developer learning SwiftUI. I am working on a ChatGPT clone app in SwiftUI and trying to recreate the expanding TextEditor. I have tried many approaches mentioned in various articles, but all of them feel like a cheap workaround. The closest I have come is using a TextField with the following method:

TextField("What's up?", text: $text, axis: .vertical)

However, I am unable to use the Enter button to create a new line in the TextField, which I believe is the reason TextEditor exists.

This is the view I am trying to recreate:

ChatGPT iOS App's Expanding Text Editor


You can stop the "return" key from dismissing the keyboard by adding the submitScope modifier.

TextField("What's up?", text: $text, axis: .vertical)

By default, tapping the "return" key creates a "submit" action and dismisses the keyboard, and you can handle this using onSubmit { ... }. If you add .submitScope(), there is no "submit" action, and so a new line is inserted.

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