Im Trying To Run Python On Visual Studio Code But am Facing An File Not Found Error

Gazoz Gürses

I installed python and was using it with PyCharm For A Couple of Weeks Today I wanted to Swap To Visual Studio Code Because of Some Features. I Created A File and Set It To Python From The Bottom Right Corner, When I Try Running and Debugging It Shows Me An Error Message That Says "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Untitled-1'PS C:> "

Jill Cheng

We can use cmd terminal and powershell terminal in VS Code.

When we run the code and the VSCode terminal is in the Python interactive window, the terminal displays: "SyntaxError: invalid syntax": (Because the Python interactive window recognizes Python code, the run button is to execute a command with a path.)

enter image description here


  1. Click the green run button in the upper right corner of VS Code:

    enter image description here

  2. Or enter "Python" in the terminal to enter the Python interactive window, and then enter the code in the terminal:

    enter image description here

For using Python in VS Code you could refer to this document: Python in VS Code.

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