How to make local application accessible for other pc in my local network


I would like to host an application from a local Windows pc, for my local network

I have an ASP.NET Core application (running in debug mode) on Windows pc A ( on port 5001

There is another Windows pc B ( that would like to access the application that pc A is hosting

When i disable the firewall on pc A, I am able to ping pc A from pc B, but I am unable to browse the web application hosted on port 5001 (

There is no active CORS policy on the hosted application

Are there any steps that i've overlooked? Do you have any thoughts on how I could resolve this issue?

UPDATE: I have now installed NGINX as a reverse proxy and this seems to work. Is there any information on why I could not achieve this without NGINX?


A URL must be sent to a web-server to be handled, which is why it worked for you after you added NGINX.

It's possible for an application to open a socket on a port and listen for incoming data, but then you need to create a protocol to be used between your server and client apps, and cannot use the helpful functionality of the web-server.

Collected from the Internet

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