Why is the following output giving the response instead of what I am expecting?


I have the following python code:

b=a.replace("\n","").replace("  ","").split("|")
for i in b: 
    if (len(i)==2 or len(i)==1) and i.__contains__("}") or i.__contains__(")"):
        """doesn't belong is probably a closing bracket"""
        b[index-1]=b[index-1]+b[index]#add the closing brackets to the one before deleting it
        del b[index]
    """check for brackets opened that aren't closed"""
    if (i.__contains__("(") and not i.__contains__(")")) or (i.__contains__("{") and not i.__contains__("}")):
        #these are not closed
        if b[index+1].__contains__(")") or b[index+1].__contains__("}"):
            #add them together then delete the extra
            del b[index+1] 
del b[len(b)-1]

And I have the file example.nx:

bp myClass(
        set myArg to arg1|
def myFunction[arg2,arg3]{
    set a to arg2|
    set b to arg3|
set var1 to 3|
set var2 to 4|

I get the output of:

['bp myClass(myClass[arg1]{set myArg to arg1})', 'def myFunction[arg2,arg3]{set a to arg2', 'set b to arg3}', 'set var1 to 3', 'set var2 to 4myFunction(var1,var2)']

I was expecting to get(Look at last elements):

['bp myClass(myClass[arg1]{set myArg to arg1})', 'def myFunction[arg2,arg3]{set a to arg2', 'set b to arg3}', 'set var1 to 3', 'set var2 to 4','myFunction(var1,var2)']

I have added breakpoints and have broken the issue down to this block:

if (len(i)==2 or len(i)==1) and i.__contains__("}") or i.__contains__(")"):
        """doesn't belong is probably a closing bracket"""
        b[index-1]=b[index-1]+b[index]#add the closing brackets to the one before deleting it
        del b[index]

I don't know why this is happening because at the end of the list where the 2 elements merge they don't fit the length requirements so they shouldn't even set off the if statement.


You are missing parenthesis in the first if:

txt = """
bp myClass(
        set myArg to arg1|
def myFunction[arg2,arg3]{
    set a to arg2|
    set b to arg3|
set var1 to 3|
set var2 to 4|
tokens = txt.replace('\n', '').replace("  ","").split("|")

for token in tokens: 
    if (len(token) == 2 or len(token) == 1) and ('}' in token or ')' in token):
        # these are missing                     ^                            ^
        # doesn't belong is probably a closing bracket
        i = tokens.index(token)
        tokens[i - 1] = tokens[i-1] + tokens[i]  # add the closing brackets to the one before deleting it
        del tokens[i]
    # check for brackets opened that aren't closed
    if ('(' in token and ')' not in token) or ('{' in token and '}' not in token):
        # these are not closed
        i = tokens.index(token)
        if ')' in tokens[i+1] or '}' in tokens[i+1]:
            # add them together then delete the extra
            tokens[i] = tokens[i] + tokens[i+1]
            del tokens[i+1] 
del tokens[len(tokens)-1]

I've also changed your variables around, a and b are not good variable names. i can be a good variable name, if it is used as an integer index into a list.

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