Remove outliers from a correlation pairs plot


I have multiple correlations and have plotted them using pairs plots. Some of these contain "outliers", which in my case I'd like to remove as data points and also replot the data without them. Here's an example of what I mean:

enter image description here

Here's the data:

structure(list(CS_ERP = c(0.592217399922478, -0.203897301263363, 
0.338222381057887, 0.426894945652707, -0.30737569188464, -0.795959183126649, 
1.08640821731442, 0.436824331063638, 0.177559186752863, 0.722561317859706, 
0.53865872750591, 0.733560773038051, -0.132344192183052, 0.453103863990389, 
-0.111034068702735, 0.650410660832976, 0.342818054696555, 1.52017381893815, 
0.444799662033882, 0.0671036424041152, -0.215260420488558, -0.0270506388385066, 
0.851214146724932, 0.00273742867519521, 0.127085247367676, 0.523553816764235, 
0.535009107850034, -0.644372558676884, -0.432404000319374, -0.0677329504784329, 
0.873902779830881, 1.03822938157827, -0.514942928309014, 1.56161080831987, 
-1.88131135531881, 0.235716700658808, 0.799704960755054, 1.73208222356446, 
0.247784710165136, -0.0143066950525258, -0.473170631517114, 0.302272078688994, 
-0.35980392515202, 0.204326536400011, -0.490551073482312, 1.59651048122808, 
0.943766780480849, -0.184987582447942, 0.17987890568414, 0.150666299610195, 
0.282742988261302, 0.389264036959123, -0.080297860039224, 1.93563704248842, 
-0.365884460671325, 0.959229734481468, -1.47119089191046, -0.444094080641722, 
-0.636361360505438, 0.631361093009673, 2.62946532292634, 0.798510108404532, 
0.718327415177233, 1.50947695158847, 0.990343190301586, 1.44815515537459, 
1.44766809083971, 0.782650510573793, 1.88087173450267, 0.375954708150476, 
1.17043032278192, 0.72685383252287, 1.07555437410217, 0.985200032226283, 
-0.477185205402539, -1.04253562875013, -0.0190684334078904, 0.768789276763837, 
-0.38064050743836, 0.405895629096464, 0.267382730292199, 1.05413737126274, 
1.50350778531938, 0.311460646558454), CS_TF = c(-0.132065184642606, 
0.0367110238359321, 35.3210468915716, 0.153679818105899, 0.0332652037878963, 
-1.86496209543666, -1.07441876044758, -0.180493420311007, 0.00866968936464811, 
0.0552816343285741, -0.0234809689770028, -0.158685173657395, 
0.0700545324982749, 0.56175897135826, 0.0143549285329569, -0.128676438809003, 
0.0339896066570138, -0.0791169538548759, 0.0946317926108172, 
-0.172322368094037, 3.50860496405027, 0.379458772083521, -0.499920059769576, 
0.00685456174939309, 0.0287140297510314, 0.128580438921991, -0.000884474552408394, 
-0.0484650246614444, 0.279520102626941, -0.0233536174060131, 
0.166626389353964, -0.194576767577814, 0.0392959826687796, 0.0329681365611348, 
-0.25676650339929, -0.103471550040564, 0.466462291090004, 0.157227389587046, 
-0.0403901678275274, 0.0682499702171806, 0.130220474391507, -0.110553995224786, 
0.108862414312962, -0.209016224415964, 0.0422840704708455, -0.724812540310788, 
0.0732317891725166, -1.39006752637282, 0.840210152734346, -0.35371878446761, 
0.152698664646824, -0.0859570353609108, -0.0604200987838616, 
-0.240933204990605, 0.0161540243978887, 0.0374657611151743, 0.0874550801411632, 
-0.392507595478393, -1.02392865589898, 0.0807127255980967, -0.307310315199072, 
-0.0355848726007914, -0.347079319313953, -0.158586967635016, 
-0.158793766539776, 0.335271838499242, 0.362318748691139, 0.70789771606091, 
-0.330594118377962, 0.0752984671467694, -0.195902998158877, 0.0638325662398797, 
0.0403354942131794, -0.0683323188130881, 0.287268128823113, 0.056132792250317, 
0.0690000898535413, 0.185228611319422, -0.1999283340051, 0.209462600992504, 
0.0759982221221363, 0.566169094370387, 0.126884703286675, -0.0346748592683052
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 
7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 
20L, 21L, 22L, 23L, 24L, 25L, 26L, 27L, 28L, 29L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 
33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 49L, 50L, 51L, 52L, 53L, 54L, 
55L, 56L, 57L, 58L, 59L, 60L, 61L, 62L, 63L, 64L, 65L, 66L, 67L, 
68L, 69L, 70L, 71L, 72L, 73L, 74L, 75L, 76L, 77L, 78L, 79L, 80L, 
81L, 82L, 83L, 84L, 40L, 41L, 42L, 43L, 44L, 45L, 46L, 47L, 48L

I looked up other questions and tried the following:

#fit the linear model and extract the residuals:
resid_CS <- resid(mod <- lm(Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_ERP ~ Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF, 
                            data = Corr_data_CS_noOut))

# quantile() gives the required quantiles of the residuals.
#If retaining 90% of the data, then we want the upper and lower 0.05 quantiles:
resid.qt <- quantile(resid_CS, probs = c(0.05,0.95))

#select the observations with residuals in the middle 90%
want <- which(resid_CS >= resid.qt[1] & resid_CS <= resid.qt[2]) 

#visualise this, with the red points being those we will retain:
plot(Corr_data_CS_noOut, type = "n")
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[-want,], col = "black", pch = 21, bg = "black", cex = 0.8)
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[want,], col = "red", pch = 21, bg = "red", cex = 0.8)
abline(mod, col = "blue", lwd = 2)

and also:

#Try using the absolute residuals:
ares <- abs(resid_CS)
absres.qt <- quantile(ares, prob = c(.9))
abswant <- which(ares <= absres.qt)
## plot 
plot(Corr_data_CS_noOut, type = "n")
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[-abswant,], col = "black", pch = 21, bg = "black", cex = 0.8)
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[abswant,], col = "red", pch = 21, bg = "red", cex = 0.8)
abline(mod, col = "blue", lwd = 2)

But both these removed points at the "ends" of the y axis, leaving the outlier in:

enter image description here

How can I remove this outlier, and is there any way to apply that back into the whole data (I have three variables in this case) before plotting it using pairs the way I've done below?

Here's my pairs code as well, for clarity:

pairs(x = Corr_data_noppt[1:3], 
      diag.panel = labels,
      text.panel = my.text.panel,
      lower.panel = panel,
      font.labels = 1, 
      cex.labels = 1.2,
      label.pos = 0.5,
      upper.panel = NULL) 

One potential option is to identify and remove the max(Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF) value, i.e.

Corr_data_CS_noOut <- structure(list(CS_ERP = c(0.592217399922478, -0.203897301263363, 
                                0.338222381057887, 0.426894945652707, -0.30737569188464, -0.795959183126649, 
                                1.08640821731442, 0.436824331063638, 0.177559186752863, 0.722561317859706, 
                                0.53865872750591, 0.733560773038051, -0.132344192183052, 0.453103863990389, 
                                -0.111034068702735, 0.650410660832976, 0.342818054696555, 1.52017381893815, 
                                0.444799662033882, 0.0671036424041152, -0.215260420488558, -0.0270506388385066, 
                                0.851214146724932, 0.00273742867519521, 0.127085247367676, 0.523553816764235, 
                                0.535009107850034, -0.644372558676884, -0.432404000319374, -0.0677329504784329, 
                                0.873902779830881, 1.03822938157827, -0.514942928309014, 1.56161080831987, 
                                -1.88131135531881, 0.235716700658808, 0.799704960755054, 1.73208222356446, 
                                0.247784710165136, -0.0143066950525258, -0.473170631517114, 0.302272078688994, 
                                -0.35980392515202, 0.204326536400011, -0.490551073482312, 1.59651048122808, 
                                0.943766780480849, -0.184987582447942, 0.17987890568414, 0.150666299610195, 
                                0.282742988261302, 0.389264036959123, -0.080297860039224, 1.93563704248842, 
                                -0.365884460671325, 0.959229734481468, -1.47119089191046, -0.444094080641722, 
                                -0.636361360505438, 0.631361093009673, 2.62946532292634, 0.798510108404532, 
                                0.718327415177233, 1.50947695158847, 0.990343190301586, 1.44815515537459, 
                                1.44766809083971, 0.782650510573793, 1.88087173450267, 0.375954708150476, 
                                1.17043032278192, 0.72685383252287, 1.07555437410217, 0.985200032226283, 
                                -0.477185205402539, -1.04253562875013, -0.0190684334078904, 0.768789276763837, 
                                -0.38064050743836, 0.405895629096464, 0.267382730292199, 1.05413737126274, 
                                1.50350778531938, 0.311460646558454), CS_TF = c(-0.132065184642606, 
                                                                                0.0367110238359321, 35.3210468915716, 0.153679818105899, 0.0332652037878963, 
                                                                                -1.86496209543666, -1.07441876044758, -0.180493420311007, 0.00866968936464811, 
                                                                                0.0552816343285741, -0.0234809689770028, -0.158685173657395, 
                                                                                0.0700545324982749, 0.56175897135826, 0.0143549285329569, -0.128676438809003, 
                                                                                0.0339896066570138, -0.0791169538548759, 0.0946317926108172, 
                                                                                -0.172322368094037, 3.50860496405027, 0.379458772083521, -0.499920059769576, 
                                                                                0.00685456174939309, 0.0287140297510314, 0.128580438921991, -0.000884474552408394, 
                                                                                -0.0484650246614444, 0.279520102626941, -0.0233536174060131, 
                                                                                0.166626389353964, -0.194576767577814, 0.0392959826687796, 0.0329681365611348, 
                                                                                -0.25676650339929, -0.103471550040564, 0.466462291090004, 0.157227389587046, 
                                                                                -0.0403901678275274, 0.0682499702171806, 0.130220474391507, -0.110553995224786, 
                                                                                0.108862414312962, -0.209016224415964, 0.0422840704708455, -0.724812540310788, 
                                                                                0.0732317891725166, -1.39006752637282, 0.840210152734346, -0.35371878446761, 
                                                                                0.152698664646824, -0.0859570353609108, -0.0604200987838616, 
                                                                                -0.240933204990605, 0.0161540243978887, 0.0374657611151743, 0.0874550801411632, 
                                                                                -0.392507595478393, -1.02392865589898, 0.0807127255980967, -0.307310315199072, 
                                                                                -0.0355848726007914, -0.347079319313953, -0.158586967635016, 
                                                                                -0.158793766539776, 0.335271838499242, 0.362318748691139, 0.70789771606091, 
                                                                                -0.330594118377962, 0.0752984671467694, -0.195902998158877, 0.0638325662398797, 
                                                                                0.0403354942131794, -0.0683323188130881, 0.287268128823113, 0.056132792250317, 
                                                                                0.0690000898535413, 0.185228611319422, -0.1999283340051, 0.209462600992504, 
                                                                                0.0759982221221363, 0.566169094370387, 0.126884703286675, -0.0346748592683052
                                )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 
                                                                        7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 
                                                                        20L, 21L, 22L, 23L, 24L, 25L, 26L, 27L, 28L, 29L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 
                                                                        33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 49L, 50L, 51L, 52L, 53L, 54L, 
                                                                        55L, 56L, 57L, 58L, 59L, 60L, 61L, 62L, 63L, 64L, 65L, 66L, 67L, 
                                                                        68L, 69L, 70L, 71L, 72L, 73L, 74L, 75L, 76L, 77L, 78L, 79L, 80L, 
                                                                        81L, 82L, 83L, 84L, 40L, 41L, 42L, 43L, 44L, 45L, 46L, 47L, 48L

#fit the linear model and extract the residuals:
resid_CS <- resid(mod <- lm(Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_ERP ~ Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF, 
                            data = Corr_data_CS_noOut))

# Removing the largest Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF value
want <- !(Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF == max(Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF))

plot(Corr_data_CS_noOut, type = "n")
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[-want,], col = "black", pch = 21, bg = "black", cex = 0.8)
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[want,], col = "red", pch = 21, bg = "red", cex = 0.8)
abline(mod, col = "blue", lwd = 2)

Created on 2023-05-31 with reprex v2.0.2

Or, if you want to remove the top 5% of values:

#fit the linear model and extract the residuals:
resid_CS <- resid(mod <- lm(Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_ERP ~ Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF, 
                            data = Corr_data_CS_noOut))

# Removing the largest Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF value
want <- Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF < quantile(Corr_data_CS_noOut$CS_TF, 0.95)

plot(Corr_data_CS_noOut, type = "n")
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[-want,], col = "black", pch = 21, bg = "black", cex = 0.8)
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[want,], col = "red", pch = 21, bg = "red", cex = 0.8)
abline(mod, col = "blue", lwd = 2)

And then when you re-plot the values you want to keep you get this:

plot(Corr_data_CS_noOut[want,], type = "n")
points(Corr_data_CS_noOut[want,], col = "red", pch = 21, bg = "red", cex = 0.8)
abline(mod, col = "blue", lwd = 2)

Created on 2023-05-31 with reprex v2.0.2

I'm not sure how advisable this is, in terms of accurately representing your data, but does that solve your problem?

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