I have a Problem at my Forms in my wordpress website

Meta Metlicos Indstria e Comrc

I have a Wordpress website and i'm using WPForms to capture my Leads information, but lately, very often the forms won´t work. Google ADS is registering conversions but the emails are not arriving, I made some testes and the following message show up when I tried to submit "The form was unable to submit. Please contact the site administrator"

I talk to de support but they couldnt help me, We check the SMTP, they said every thing is working, I check my Tags on google, they are also working, I don´t know what to do anymore.

Abhishek Potdar

This might happen due to a cache issue. Try disabling the cache plugin if you have installed and then check if its working. If there is no cache plugin installed then you may want to send us the website link where the form is located to check further.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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