Can we associate ESC key to always close any type of program?


I sometimes hate to move the mouse, just to hit the close button or to press ALT+F4 to terminate a running software/program or an active window. Honestly, I feel more comfortable to simply hit ESC key, (which applies to other programs). Can I make this works to all running software?


It really depends on the programs you are using. So, an option which might work is Auto Hot Key.

However, it will have possible negative results. For example, only some programs will close with certain commands, so if you mapped ALT F4 to ESC but a program only recognises ALT F4 as the shutdown, then it won't work!

So, you could then map several commands to AutoHotKey, where hitting ESC sends ESC, then Ctrl+F4 then ALT+F4 then CTRL+W and then CTRL+Q etc (no idea how long this list would need to be). Again, the implications of this may not be desirable.

Another issue about mapping the ESC is what happens when you don't want to exit the program but still want to send ESC?

Personally, I would just learn which combination to press. However, you may be better to create a new combination, such as ALT+ESC which sends all the of the possible close commands (listed above as a guide).

Collected from the Internet

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