Is it possible to Calculate with Operands in Order out of two Arrays Merged to one?


I try to build a calculator with user input and want to calculate everything with Operands in Order. I saved the user input in two String ArrayLists: -> postNumbers for all numbers -> postOperands for all operands

I tried to calculate them with different for loops and switch/cases but it didnt worked right as soon as two pluses or slashes were inputed. Is there a way to put the two ArrayLists into one alternativly and calcute it then like:

List N: 10 5 3 2

List M: 10+5*3-2

List O:   + * -

And then finally put it into a variable?


First, I believe you mean postOperators, as opposed to postOperands.
An operand is the value.

You can create a for-loop to iterate the List of numbers, and compile them into a result.

Additionally, you should review the Abstract Syntax Tree structure.

/** @param postNumbers must be mutable */
double evaluate(List<String> postNumbers, List<String> postOperators) {
    double result = Double.parseDouble(postNumbers.remove(0));
    double value;
    char operator;
    for (int index = 0; index < postNumbers.size(); index++) {
        value = Double.parseDouble(postNumbers.get(index));
        operator = postOperators.get(index).charAt(0);
        result = switch (operator) {
            case '*' -> result * value;
            case '/' -> result / value;
            case '+' -> result + value;
            case '-' -> result - value;
            default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return result;

Example input

List<String> postNumbers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("10", "5", "3", "2"));
List<String> postOperators = List.of("+", "*", "-");
double result = evaluate(postNumbers, postOperators);



Collected from the Internet

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