pyqt5 qtablewidget cell background while editing cell

FurkanOzcelik :
self.grid.setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item::selected { background-color:#F9F6F5 ; color:black;  
border: 3px solid black; }")

currently i'm using styleSheet for my qtablewidget background when i select an item it changes that cell's background like this which is what i want

but when i start editing it is back to default settings like this and i dont know which keyword should i use instead of 'item::selected' or if it even exists

musicamante :

You can use the descendant css selector, which can be used to specify the style for a widget that is descendant of another (it could be a direct child, a "grandchild", etc).

Editing of item views is usually done with a QLineEdit, the solution is to use QTableWidget QLineEdit, and since the styling is going to be the same, you can also concatenate the selectors with commas:

    QTableWidget::item::selected, QTableWidget QLineEdit { 
        background-color: #F9F6F5; 
        color: black; 
        border: 3px solid black; 

Note that you need the descendant selector, not the child selector (parent > child) which is for direct children only: the editor of an item view is not a direct child of the view, as an item view has the following hierarchy:

item view -> viewport (the scrollable contents) -> editor

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