How can I set default value of property based on theme in MAUI


I have a simple component in MAUI. Below is simplified code.


public partial class LabeledValue : ContentView 
    public static readonly BindableProperty ValueColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
        nameof(ValueColor), typeof(Color), typeof(LabeledValue), default(Color), BindingMode.OneWay);

    public Color ValueColor
        get { return (Color)GetValue(ValueColorProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ValueColorProperty, value); }


<ContentView xmlns=""
        <Label Text="Dummy text" FontAttributes="Bold" TextColor="{Binding ValueColor, Source={x:Reference self}}"/>

I would like to set default value of this property based on current app theme, so when I use it like

<components:LabeledValue ValueColor="{StaticResource Blue}"/> 

It's blue but when I simply do

<components:LabeledValue /> 

Color is set based on theme. How can I do that?


You can use AppThemeBinding and the provided Extensions for that.

First, you need to remove the binding to TextColor, because this will need to be set from the code-behind, and also give the Label a name using the x:Name attribute:

<ContentView xmlns=""
        <Label x:Name="MyLabel" Text="Dummy text" FontAttributes="Bold"/>

Then, in your code-behind, you need to set the AppThemeBinding programmatically in the constructor:

public LabeledValue()
    //set default values for AppThemeBinding
    MyLabel.SetAppThemeColor(Label.TextColorProperty, Colors.Blue, Colors.White);

Finally, you need to add a property changed handler that sets the TextColor when the user overrides the default setting:

public partial class LabeledValue : ContentView 
    public Color ValueColor
        get { return (Color)GetValue(ValueColorProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ValueColorProperty, value); }

    public static readonly BindableProperty ValueColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ValueColor), typeof(Color), typeof(LabeledValue), propertyChanged: OnValueColorPropertyChanged);

    private static void OnValueColorPropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
        ((LabeledValue)bindable).MyLabel.TextColor = (Color)newValue;

When you use the LabeledValue control, you can either use the default behavior, which will respond to the App Theme or override it:

<!-- use default AppThemeBinding values -->

<!-- permanently set the ValueColor to Orange-->
<components:LabeledValue ValueColor="Orange"/> 

You can find a working example for this in my MAUI Samples repository.

Collected from the Internet

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