Using Strongly Connected Component Algo to check if a vertex is reachable


I would like to see if a given vertex, say V0, can be reachable by all other vertices in a graph G.
I know I can just traverse through each vertex in the graph and do BFS/DFS to see if V0 is reachable.
However, this seems to be very inefficient.

I was wondering if i do SCC algo on the graph and if v0 is part of all scc, then I can safely conclude that v0 is reachable by all vertices? This would be great because the cost of SCC is only O(V+E) with Tarjan's and checking to see if v0 is part of scc would also cost linear time.

I would think this makes sense because SCC means vertices are reachable. Any confirmation to this logic?

or any efficient approach to this?

Evgeny Kluev

V0 may not belong to SCC, but still be reachable by all other vertices. For example, vertex d on diagram is reachable by all other vertices, but the only non-trivial SCC contains vertices a, b, c and does not contain vertex d.

enter image description here

To check if V0 is reachable by all other vertices, you can reverse direction of every edge (in linear time), then use BFS/DFS, starting from V0, to check if every other vertex is reachable from V0 (also in linear time).

Collected from the Internet

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