How do I specify an objects type when Key is a known value?

Ben Walters

Given the following code, how would I define the type of object data when data.type is a known value?

In the below example, I would like data to be typed accordingly when data.type is either "sms" or "email"

const payload = '{"type":"sms","destination":123}'

type PayloadType = 'sms' | 'email'

interface BasePayload {
    type: PayloadType

interface SmsPayload extends BasePayload {
    destination: number

interface EmailPayload extends BasePayload {
    destination: string

const data: SmsPayload | EmailPayload = JSON.parse(payload) 


*PS: I know phone numbers aren't numbers... this is just an example.


It's hard to leave inheritance behind sometimes, but here it isn't necessary.

Just create two types with a common discriminating field, type:

interface SmsPayload {
    type: 'sms'
    destination: number

interface EmailPayload {
    type: 'email'
    destination: string

create a union type from these:

type PayloadUnion = EmailPayload | SmsPayload

now, you can:

const data: PayloadUnion = JSON.parse(payload) // trusting the backend here

and narrow using the common discriminator field

if (data.type === 'sms'){
    // in here `data` is of type SmsPayload

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