Setting AuthExceptionRetryInterval property in Spring Kafka


I've got a Spring Boot application, which integrates the Spring Kafka project.

I'd like to set the AuthExceptionRetryInterval property in my

It is being mentioned in

Although, I can't figure out the correct way to set it. I am not sure, if and how the "relaxed binding" of Spring interfers. Neither is the auto-completion of IntelliJ suggesting it. I am also not sure, on how to set Apache configs properly in a Spring environment.

It has to be done through a property, setting it through code is not the solution I am looking for.

Way's I've tried...


Could anyone tell me what I need do wrong? Many thanks!


Just because a getter/setter exists doesn't mean it's a native Kafka property.

Specifically, that property is not a Kafka client configuration, so cannot be passed though to the consumer via configuration.

You could define your own autowired property, then call the setter in code using that value, instead.

Collected from the Internet

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