I can't align an image to the right


I tried everything but could not align the image to the right.

I tried to search all around the internet, and worked on this problem for several days. I used text-align: right; and margin: right; and many more. I expected that it would align to the right, but instead it didn't and resulted in it getting bigger and smaller. Can you help me?


I guess the easiest way is to use flexbox.

<div style="display: flex; justify-content: end;">
    <img src="..." alt="...">

And you have to make sure the parent div-element has a width of 100%. You can check that by using the inspector of your browser.

(Firefox: cmd/strg + shift + c, Safari/Chrome: cmd/strg + shift + i, or just use right-click and choose 'inspect' on the bottom)

Collected from the Internet

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