How can I do "double-aggregation" in T-SQL / SQL Server?


I have a table which contains Issues and SubIssues in a customer service system. The data might look like this:

id ticket_id sub_ticket_id response_time_in_mins comment cond1 cond2 cond3
1 1000 NULL NULL "the overall ticket about how quickly you closed down my account" 1 0 1
2 1000 1 12 "send ack email" 1 0 1
3 1000 2 30 "look up user in all DBs and remove" 1 1 1
4 1000 3 5 "send finished email" 1 0 0
5 1001 NULL NULL "the overall ticket about do you have my email in your sys?" 1 0 1
6 1001 1 2 "send ack email" 0 0 1
7 1001 2 10 "look up and notify" 1 1 0

I'd like to aggregate total response times for each ticket_id satisfying each of the conditions at a time. For example the resulting table may look like this (but assume N conditions)

ticket_id total_resp_time_cond_1 total_resp_time_cond_2 total_resp_time_cond_3
1000 47 30 42
1001 10 10 2

Here it is in pseudo code if I could do Python+SQL:

foreach ticket_number in issues_and_subissues:
  foreach condition in cond1, cond2, cond3, ... condN:
    SELECT sum(response_time) FROM issues_and_subissues isst WHERE isst.ticket_id=ticket_number AND condition=1

Is there a T-SQL-only way to achieve this via JOINs? or would I have to use CURSERS? any other options?

I searched on Stackoverflow and beyond and all I could find was the CURSER way of doing it. Thank you!

Joel Coehoorn

It's called conditional aggregation. You do it by putting a CASE expression inside an aggregate function:

SELECT ticket_id,
    SUM(CASE WHEN cond1 = 1 THEN response_time_in_min ELSE 0 END) total_resp_time_cond_1,
    SUM(CASE WHEN cond2 = 1 THEN response_time_in_min ELSE 0 END) total_resp_time_cond_2,
    SUM(CASE WHEN cond3 = 1 THEN response_time_in_min ELSE 0 END) total_resp_time_cond_3   
FROM [table]
GROUP BY ticket_id

Collected from the Internet

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