Spring security throw unauthorized instead of redirecting to login

Ben :

I wish that my spring web application would simply return status code 403 UNAUTHORIZED instead of redirecting to /login when user is trying to access resource without being logged in or having the correct authorities.

I currently have my spring security set up with oauth2 client login, but I believe it has the same behavior with basic login as well.

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
            .oauth2Login(this::configureOauthLogin) // sets up custom user services
            .accessDeniedHandler((request, response, accessDeniedException) -> {

I've tried dealing with it with providing accessDeniedHandler but I don't see that it changes anything as this handler is never actually triggered.


Make spring throw 403 instead of 302 on unauthorized requests.


Here's a dump of my filter chain

filters = {ArrayList@6668}  size = 14
 0 = {WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter@6635} 
 1 = {SecurityContextPersistenceFilter@6634} 
 2 = {HeaderWriterFilter@6633} 
 3 = {LogoutFilter@6632} 
 4 = {OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectFilter@6631} 
 5 = {OAuth2LoginAuthenticationFilter@6630} 
 6 = {DefaultLoginPageGeneratingFilter@6629} 
 7 = {DefaultLogoutPageGeneratingFilter@6628} 
 8 = {RequestCacheAwareFilter@6627} 
 9 = {SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter@6626} 
 10 = {AnonymousAuthenticationFilter@6625} 
 11 = {SessionManagementFilter@6624} 
 12 = {ExceptionTranslationFilter@6623} 
 13 = {FilterSecurityInterceptor@6622} 
Ben :

I figured it out, turns out this flow of controll is handled by authenticationEntryPoint in the security config. The following code provides the desired behavior:

            .authenticationEntryPoint(new Http403ForbiddenEntryPoint())

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