Swagger with Springboot add personalized information whith java anotations

dante :

How do I personalize the information displayed on the page in swagger-UI whith java anotations?

in swagger petstore

dante :

if you want to customize the api information you can include java style annotations:

        info = @Info(
                 title = "API personas", 
                 description = "Este es un ejemplo de servidor Personas-Server."
            + "Usted puyede encontrar mas acerca de Swagger " ++"[http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) o en "
            + "[irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/).",
            termsOfService = "http://swagger.io/terms/", 
              license = @License(
                          name = "Apache 2.0", 
                          url = "http://springdoc.org"), 
       version = "otra"
    @Tag(name = "persona", description = "API para personas")
    public class PersonaRest extends GeneralRest {}

can also be generated for special methods:

         summary = "traer todas las personas", 
         description = "api para traer todas las personas, aqui no se tienen en cuenta paginaciones, ni filtros, trae todos los registros", 
         tags = { "persona" }
         value = {
             responseCode = "200", 
             description = "Operación exitosa", 
             content = @Content(
                 mediaType = "application/json", 
                 array = @ArraySchema(
                     schema = @Schema(
                         implementation = PersonaTO.class
             responseCode = "401", 
             description = "Sin autorización", 
             content = @Content(
                 mediaType = "application/json", 
                 schema = @Schema(
                     implementation = Object.class
     public List personas() {
            return personaServicio.obtenerTodo();

Collected from the Internet

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