only after refactoring packages names, Consider defining a bean of type * in your configuration

Amine Ben Mansour :

this piece of code has been working perfectly, i just refactored packages names and the spring context can no more inject this bean. I am sure btw that the new packages names still matches the @ComponentScan scope

public interface TenantsConfigRepository extends JpaRepository<TenantsConfig, Long> {
    public TenantsConfig deleteByName(String name);
public class TenantsConfigService {

    TenantsConfigRepository tenantsConfigRepository;

    public TenantsConfigService(TenantsConfigRepository tenantsConfigRepository) {
        this.tenantsConfigRepository = tenantsConfigRepository;

    public List<TenantsConfig> findAll() {
        return tenantsConfigRepository.findAll();

    public Optional<TenantsConfig> find(long id) {
        return tenantsConfigRepository.findById(id);

    public void saveOrUpdate(TenantsConfig tenantsConfig) {;

    public void delete(TenantsConfig tenantsConfig) {

    public void deleteByName(String name) {

Application failed to start and printing this text



Parameter 0 of constructor in com.example.admin.service.TenantsConfigService required a bean named 'entityManagerFactory' that could not be found.


Consider defining a bean named 'entityManagerFactory' in your configuration.
Amine Ben Mansour :

thanks guys for responding, I figured it out, i was using a datasource from a configuration class, those configurations were scoped to be used to specific packages, i just changed thebasePackages attribute to match the new packages names.

@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "com.example.admin", entityManagerFactoryRef = "adminEntityManager", transactionManagerRef = "adminTransactionManager")



em refers to EntityManager

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